Typical Errors in MotoCMS 3
MotoCMS 3 Typical Errors
- ★ Product version is not compatible with the selected theme. Please update your product up to the latest version
- Network Error. Please check your connection
- PHP extension curl is not enabled
- Incorrect displaying of the text
- This folder is not writable
- This file is not writable
- PHP settings mbstring_func_overload should be changed
- Why to use "binary mode" and "active mode" with MotoCMS 3?
- Zend OPCode Cache
- PHP extension mysql is not enabled
- PHP extension spl is not enabled
- PHP function session_name doesn't exist
- PHP function session_start doesn't exist
- PHP function json_encode doesn't exist
- WARNING: Maximum upload file size is "..." M, but "..." M is required
- WARNING: File upload option is disabled
- WARNING: Mail function does not work on your server
- We have detected that PHP's Safe Mode is enabled on your server
- Server can not start session
- Update is interrupted by an error
- Update is interrupted by an error. Files can not be copied
- Update is interrupted by an error. Not enough free disk space
- Update is interrupted by an error. PHP extension curl is not loaded
- Data is already installed
- Word Document (.doc, .docx) won't upload to Media Library