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Store Home Template

Store Home Template submenu item allows you to customize the appearance of your store's Home page. You can use various widgets from the "Widgets" area.

Store Home Template - Cart and Profile

"Cart and Profile" widget allows visitors to use cart and profile on your website.

!Important! If you edit "Header" or "Footer" sections - you can use only "Cart and Profile", "Working Hours" and "Search" widgets within them.cart_1.png

To begin with, it has: "Cart Title", "Cart Title Style", "Enable Notifications", "Show Compare Icon", "Devices", "Alignment" and "Spacing".cart_2.png

"Cart Title" - this field allows you to edit the title of Cart. "My Cart" title is set by default.cart_title.png

"Cart Title Style" - this dropdown field lets you set some specific font from the list of available fonts for the "Cart Title".cart_style.png

"Enable notifications" - this checkbox allows you to show notifications when products are added to cart. You can set "Error text", "Success text" and "Notification text style" with the appropriate fields.cart_not.png

"Show Compare Icon" is a feature which can display the quantity of items added to compare list and also provides a link to the comparison page.cart_compare.png

"Hide Brackets" is a feature that can display the brackets.cart_brackets.png

You can change the installed icons for any item of this widget from the available list, as well as add your own image as an icon. To do this you need to click the "pencil" next to the desired icon:cart_items.png

You can choose an icon from our list, put your image instead of the icon, and set "Icon Color", "Background", "Border Color" and related "Hover" effect for your icon:cart_pencil.png

If you (or your site visitor) wish to login as an authorized user or create a user account on the live website - please click the "Log In" button:cart_login.png

Then you need to specify your email address and password details. If you've forgot your password or you don't have an account yet - please click the appropriate buttons and proceed.

To create shopping cart you need to drag&drop it within the necessary section (header, content or footer).

The "Display" block has "Spacing", "Devices", "Alignment" that are general widget settings.cart_spacing.png

Store Home Template - Search

"Search" widget allows your website visitors to search for necessary products on store pages.cart_search.png

The "Properties" block consists of "Spacing" feature which is a general widget setting.cart_search2.png

Store Home Template - Breadcrumbs

"Breadcrumbs" is kind of navigation displayed to users, so they can see exactly where the page is located within the store website.

This widget is indicated by its link structure and displayed inline much like a stripped down navigation menu would be:

Home Page / Product Category Page / Single Product Page

"Root Title" - this feature allows you to set specific title for the starting item of "Breadcrumbs" widget. User needs click on the item and it will redirect him to the main Store page (Store Home).

The "Display" block consists of "Spacing", "Devices", "Alignment" options that are general widget settings.

"Design" tab allows you to choose an alternative preset for your "Breadcrumbs" widget to change its appearance.

Store Home Template - Product List

"Product List" - this widget contains the list of all the store's products, separated into categories.cart_pl.png

You can customize the product list by editing the following fields' values:cart_pl2.png

"Products In Row" - this feature allows you to set the number of products to be displayed in one horizontal row (from 1 up to 6).cart_pl3.png

"Products Per Page" - this feature allows you to set the number of visible products in the Product List on a page  (from 1 up to 100).

"Products Per Page Label" - this feature allows you to change the wording "Products Per Page".

"Hide Prices" - this feature allows you to hide product prices. 

"Show Navigation" - this feature allows you to enable/disable the toolbar element within the Product List (such as Items per page and Pagination).

"Wrap Long Title" - this feature allows you to crop long title (two or more rows) into one row.

"Hide Thumbnails" - this feature lets you hide thumbnails from the Product List.

"Use Generated Thumbnail" - this feature allows you to use automatically generated thumbnails for your Product List. Once checked, you will see that you can select such product images sizes as Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. It can resize images making the page much more optimized.cart_pl4.png

"Show Preview Image On Thumbnail Click" - this feature allows you to see enlarged version of the image when you click on the thumbnail image. If you wish to buy the product - click on it's title.

If the option is disabled, then clicking product thumbnail will redirect your site visitors to the product's page.

"Show 'Add To Cart' button" - this feature allows you to hide/show "Add to Cart" button within the "Product List".

"Auto-Redirect To Cart After Adding Product" - if enabled, you will be automatically redirected to the purchase page after clicking the "Add to Cart" button. If you disable this option, clicking the "Add to Cart" button will add the product to the cart, but your site visitors will stay on the same page, they won't be redirected to the Shopping Cart  and then Checkout page.

"Button Text" - this feature allows you to change the title of your "Add to Cart" button.cart_pl5.png

"Product Not Found" - this feature allows you to change the text for product not found error.

!Important! You can see this error live on your website only on Store Category Template page if Product List widget is placed there. The "Search" widget and "Filters" widget provide search result for Store Category Template page only.

"Show order settings" - this feature allows you to hide/show sort feature of the product list widget.

"Label for Order by", "Oldest first text", "Newest first text", "Name (A-Z) text", "Name (Z-A) text", "Price (Low to High) text" and "Price ( High to Low) text" - allows you to change the title of the sort options. 

The "Display" block consists of "Spacing", "Devices" and "Alignment" that are general widget settings.cart_pl6.png

"Design" tab allows you to change the appearance of products and "Add to Cart" buttons within "Product List".  By using alternative presets, change the size of "Add to Cart" button and set custom "Label Color".cart_pl7.png

"Thumbnail Preset" - this dropdown field lets you choose thumbnail design among 5 alternative presets.

"Button Presets" - this feature allows you to customize "Add to Cart" button design, using 5 alternative presets.

"Size" - a choice of button size ("Small", "Medium", "Large").

"Label Color" - this feature allows you to set custom color for product label.

"Product Title Style" - this dropdown field lets you change text style for your Product Title.

"Price Style" - this dropdown field lets you choose text style for your product price.

"Old Price Style" - this feature allows you to change text style for the old product's price.

"Label Text Style" - this option allows you to choose the style of titles. 

"Item Per Page Style" - change the style of "Item Per Page" title here.

"Pagination Style" - this feature allows you to change style of the Pagination element. 

"Product Not Found Style" - the choice of the Product Not Found error message style.

!Important! You can see this error live on your website only on Store Category Template page if Product List widget is placed there. The "Search" widget and "Filters" widget provide search result for Store Category Template page only.

Store Home Template - Product Categories

"Products Categories" - this widget allows you to customize the appearance of your product categories. You can add/edit/remove categories within the Products - "Categories" section.cart_pc.png

It's separated into two tabs: "Settings" and "Design".

"Settings" tab contains the following features: "Responsive", "Alignment" and "Spacing" that are general widget settings.cart_pc2.png

Design tab allows you to change the appearance of your Product Category widget, using 4 available presets.cart_pc3.png

Store Home Template - Custom Product List

"Custom Product List" widget allows you to show only the desired products on a page.cart_cpl.png

This widget properties are separated into two tabs: "Settings" and "Design".cart_cpl2.png

The "Settings" tab has the following blocks: "Items" and "Display".

The "Items" block has the following features: cart_cpl4.png

"Add" - this button allows you to add one of your products from your Store to your Custom Product List.

Once clicked, you will be prompted to select one of your existing products.cart_cpl5.png

If you haven't created any product yet, you can do it in Product Catalog. The maximum amount of items for Custom Product List is 24.

"Products In Row" - this feature allows you to set the amount of products which can displayed in one horizontal row (from 1 up to 6).cart_cpl6.png

"Hide Prices" - this checkbox allows you to hide prices for Custom Product List.

"Wrap Long Title" - this option allows you to crop long title (two or more rows) into one row.

"Hide Thumbnails" - lets you hide thumbnails within Custom Product List.

"Use Generated Thumbnail" - this feature allows you to use thumbnais for your Custom Product List. Once checked, you will see that you can select such product images sizes as Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.cart_cpl7.png

"Show Preview Image On Thumbnail Click" - this feature lets you see enlarged version of the image when you click thumbnail image. If you wish to buy the product - click its title.

If option is disabled - the system will redirect you to the product's page.

"Show 'Add To Cart' button" - this feature allows you to hide/show "Add to Cart" button within the "Custom Product List".

"Auto-Redirect To Cart After Adding Product" - if enabled, you will be redirected to the checkout page after you add product to the cart.

"Button Text" - this feature allows you to change the title of your "Add to Cart" button.cart_cpl8.png

"Product Not Found" - this feature allows you to change the text for product not found error.

!Important! You can see this error live on your website only on Store Category Template page if Custom Product List widget is placed there. The "Search" widget and "Filters" widget provide search result for Store Category Template page only.

The "Display" block consists of the following features: "Spacing", "Devices", "Alignment" that are general widget settings.cart_cpl9.png

"Design" tab allows you to change the appearance of product thumbnail and "Add to Cart" button within the "Custom Product List". By using alternative presets, change the design and then the size of "Add to Cart" button and set custom "Label Color".cart_cpl10.png

"Thumbnail Preset" - this feature allows you to choose thumbnail design among 5 available presets.

"Button Presets" - this dropdown menu allows you to customize "Add to Cart" button design, using 5 alternative presets.

"Size" - this feature allows you to change button size ("Small", "Medium", "Large").

"Label Color" - this box lets you set custom color for the product's label.

"Products Per Page" - set the number of products shown in the Product List (from 1 up to 100).

"Product Title Style" - choose the text style used in Product Title.

"Price Style" - this feature allows you to change text style for your product's price.

"Old Price Style" - the dropdown to change text style of old product price.

"Label Text Style" - this feature allows you to change the style of the titles.

"Product Not Found Style" - change the design of text for product not found error.

!Important! You can see this error live on your website only on Store Category Template page if Custom Product List widget is placed there. The "Search" widget and "Filters" widget provide search result for Store Category Template page only.

Store Home Template - Working Hours

"Working Hours" widget allows you to display store working hours for your customers.cart_wh1.png

It consists of the "Properties" block and the "Display" block.

The "Properties" block consists of the following features:cart_wh2.png

"Days Title" - this feature allows to rename days text to a new one.

"Open Hours Title" - allows you to rename opened hours text.

"Closed" caption - rename the "closed" wording. You can configure your store to be closed during some hours (for example, non-business hours) in Store Settings - Working Hours.

"Title Style" - this feature allows you to change the text style for your titles.cart_wh3.png

"Days Style" - this feature allows you to change the text style for your working hours.cart_wh4.png

"Show Week Day" - this feature allows to show days of the week in your working hours.cart_wh5.png

The "Display" block consists of the "Spacing", "Devices" and "Alignment" features. These features are general widget settings.cart_wh6.png

The "Widget Localization" block allows you to change the names of the days of the week to the ones you need.

!Important! This widget is directly related to Store Settings - Working Hours. Please set the Working Hours first.

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