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Store Email Settings

Store Email Settings allows you to set and edit such email system messages as: "Registration", "Forgot Password", "Order Confirmation" and "Order Paid".

You can edit each email template by clicking the pencil icon.

"Webmaster Order Created" block allows you to modify text for the administrator email. This email is used for receiving orders from your clients.

"Registration" allows you to change confirmation text for the authorization form. Here you can change Subject text, add more pre-made HTML inline tags (Password, Email, Company etc.) and make the email active. To change the appearance of registration form visit the Design settings submenu

!Note! You can customize the appearance of these emails if you have a decent knowledge about HTML, CSS and email inline styles.

!Note! Each email template has a "Force UTF-8 Encoding" feature. You can use this feature if the buyer is using an email client that doesn't support UTF-8 encoding by default which can result in issues with email formatting.

"Forgot Password" block allows you to modify text for the "Forgot Password?" option.

"Order Confirmation" block allows you to modify text for the order confirmation. Also it allows you to use additional account for receiving orders from your clients.

"Order Paid" block allows you to change the text for the order paid notification. It is sent to the client as soon as he receives the notification about the successful payment.

In order for the clients to receive download links, add "Products with download links" tag to your "Order Paid" email template.

The "Active" feature allows you to enable or disable automatic mailing to the client. This way, you can decide if the email template will be sent to the client or not.

To configure email settings please click "Email server settings".

You can use two alternative mail transports: "Sendmail Transport" and "SMTP Transport". While Sendmail Transport allows you to edit basic settings (such as Mail From and Sender Name), SMTP Transport provides additional SMTP settings (such as Name, Host, Port, Authentication type, Username and Password).

Store Email Settings - Order Status Emails

You can also configure the Email Templates for each Order Status.

You can edit the following order status email templates:

"Awaiting Payment";
"On Hold";
"Awaiting Fulfillment"

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