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Store Orders

Store Orders menu item contains detailed information about all orders. And provides the possibility to add new orders, preview detailed information about every existing order as well as change the order status.


Store Orders - Overview

Click on the document icon under the Store Orders menu to edit "Order Status".

Once clicked, you will be able to manage a specific order of the client in two tabs - "Order" and "Transactions".

"Order" tab allows you to check the information about the made order and update its status.

The "Update Status" window consists of two sections "Status" and "Comment".

You can choose the following statuses:

"Awaiting Payment";
"On Hold";
"Awaiting Fulfillment"

The "Comment" section allows you to leave an internal note for the order, visible only to you.

"Add New" button allows you to create orders for your customer.

There are 4 main steps. First step is to find your customer. All customers presented within the "Customers" menu item. If you don't have a registered customer yet - you can skip this step (click "Next" button and proceed).

If a customer is presented in the list - you need to specify either First Name, Last Name, Email or Phone details within the "Search Customer" field so the system will automatically find your customer.

Now you need to find the necessary product. You can specify either Product Name, it's "Stock Keeping Unit"(SKU) or "Universal Product Code" (UPC) within the "Search Product" field, so the system will show a list of similar products. Click on the product so the system will add it to your order.

If you wish to buy several similar products - increase it's "Quantity". Price will appear in the "Subtotal" section.

If you wish to remove the product - please click on the "Remove" button (trash icon) on the right side.

Press the "Next" button to proceed.

Fill required fields within the "Shipping Details" section and press "Next" button to proceed.

Within the "Summary" section you can check your customer's Billing and Shipping details and the other additional features.

Store Orders - Additional Features

"Discount" and "Promocode" can be applied for current order within the appropriate fields.

"Comment" feature allows you to leave comment, which is visible to your client.

"Staff" feature allows you to leave an invisible comment, which can be seen by staff members only.

Both comments will be visible in the "Order" tab.

The "Transactions" tab contains the payment information about the order.

Store Orders - Canceled Status

When the order has the status "Canceled", product/variation quantity is restored.

Here's an example of what happens. After the purchase the number of the product is reduced:

Once the order is canceled, the number of product is restored:

Store Orders - Update Multiple Orders

You can update the status of several orders at once. To do that, in the "Orders" tab tick the checkboxes of required orders. You can select all orders at once with the upper checkbox.

Once you select the orders, you should click on the "Update Status" icon to update the information.

You should see the same "Update Status" window that appears when updating a single order. Here you can specify the status for your orders and add a comment for them.

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