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Chris Loughnane

I am unable to change menu items in MotoCMS 3, is there something wrong in my installation?

MotoCMS Version: 3.2.12
Theme: Natural Foods Version: 1.2
Installed on own server.

I have made a few cosmetic changes to colour and getting familiar with the CMS but I cannot figure out how to amend menu items. Anything I can find (not much) tells me to go to Design -> Wdigets -> Menu and on the right hand side but I do not get one. All I can do is change the colour scheme. 

Could someone please tell me what I'm missing, I have worked on many WP and Joomla sites before so this one is puzzling me.

This link is the only one I could find to show the menu item edit in action

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Chris Loughnane

I found it in a completely different area. Under Store -> Templates -> Home (click on menu in preview panel) Edit.

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