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Joseph curione

problem with pictures using flash template #36742

On the home page where it shows a flash slide show of 4 pictures, I have inserted my own pictures and they show up when I preview the site.  However, the problem I'm having is that when the pictures show up they are getting cut off.  It seems like each consecutive picture the flash module zooms in on the center of my picture, cutting off the edges.  I have tried resizing the pictures using photoshop; using the built in editing functions with crop, resize, and navigator.  Nothing has worked.  I've also tried changing settings for Fill and Fit.  Also no change.  The only thing that works is if I resize the box that will conntain the pictures, but then it is way too big on the page and cuts off text and everything else.  I have been trying all of this for   2 days now and seems like nothing works. 

How can I get my pictures to fit in the flash slide show without them getting zoomed in on and edges cut off???


Please help me.  I really want this website to work.  I will buy the template for sure if I can get it working correctly.


Thank you!



Den Amid


We need to have a closer look at the issue you described. That's why we submitted a request for you to provide us with necessary information! Please check your email and reply!

Best regards,

Mathew Brown!

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