Please, try to add to the gallery several images at once. Than the option to resize the original images while creating thumbnails will appear. Please, see the screenshot.
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I am trying to take a regular sized image and turn in to a thumbnail size to not screw with the resolution to fit in the boxes on the spinning wheel on the homepage so people can see the whole image. I have been told there is an easier way to do it than actually resizing the image that's already in the media library. I have been told there's a button or something that just automatically converts the image to a thumbnail.
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Please, try to add to the gallery several images at once. Than the option to resize the original images while creating thumbnails will appear. Please, see the screenshot.
How can I set correct thumb size to load images in the gallery?
Whatever the size introduced to resize window, thumb is too small. If I leave the original image size, the thumb is displays just center of large image.
Hello Nicu,
If images are seem to be displayed incorrectly it usually means that preview images or thumbnails are smaller (or larger) by size than the Gallery itself. In order to make your Gallery look better please set appropriate size for preview and thumbnail images. Please choose optimal sizes to avoid the images to be displayed incorrectly in your Gallery. You can compare them to the images which template includes by default, they usually have optimal dimension for the template galleries.
Best regards,
Eric Curtis