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Mark Jones

Create a new page


I am trying to craete a new page. I want it to be the same as a current page but when I click craete a new page it give s me a copy of the home page and i want it to be a copy of a different page. Can you tell me how i can create a new page but one that is the same as another page on the site. Thanks Mark PLEASE NOTE - My site is not yet live so I can not give you a link to see what I mean....



Ruin Davidson

Hello Mark Jones.


In order to create the exact copy of your desired page you need to make the following steps:

  1. After you will enter your Control Panel please choose the desired page, which you wish to duplicate using Current Section: "page's name".

  2. When you've entered the desired page, please press on "File" - "Duplicate page". Now you have two similar pages. I've attached a screen shot in order to be more specific.


Please contact us back if you will need our further help.

Ruin Davidson

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Hi Mark,

I have a related question. My menu items include "Portfolio." When you hover over it, it brings down a drop box of sub-pages for different types of photos (weddings, events, portraits, etc.).

The issue I am having is that when I duplicate a sub-page like you had described, any photo I place in it will show up on the portfolio page and in the sub-page. It seems as though both are linked and whatever I change in the HDR sub page I created will also be the same photo's changed in the top portfolio page. How do I fix this?

Many Thanks,


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Permanently deleted user

Hello Deep,

Unfortunately duplicate feature may work incorrectly with some template elements. If you experiencing such kind of issues, I suggest you following workaround - after duplicating, delete all problematic objects from new page, go to the original page, select the object, press Ctrl+C, go to the new page, press Ctrl+V - the object will appear in exactly the same place as on the original page. Regarding galleries - please make sure that you are using unique gallery content for each gallery - otherwise you will see the same content on all pages.

Best regards, 

Eric Curtis

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Jonathan Shepherd


The duplicate page feature works ok for everything except the home page - how do you take an exact copy of that please?

I want to keep one copy safe in case I mess the other one up



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Permanently deleted user

Hello Jonathan,

If you are referring to splash page - it can not be duplicated using this feature, since it is special unique page (you can not delete it as well). It is developed in such way (unique start page for the template) and it is part of the template structure. So the only way in this case is to copy objects one by one (please refer to my previous reply for detailed explanation). 

Best regards, 

Eric Curtis

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Hi Eric, maybe you can help me, I am having problems with my rich content widget, it seems that the backround page part was deleted in all of my main menu pages such as the about, events, contact etc.. so when you click on it, just the rich content text comes up without the background page part, but you can see the backround for the whole site instead.

Please let me know how I can restore the page part that also clicks up with flash when you click on any of the main menu items.

Thank you,


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Permanently deleted user

Hello Portia!

I see Bruce has already resolved your issue in the ticket system. Do you have any other questions?

Best regards


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