First, please go through all Text styles you have on your site in the Design tab > Text Styles and replace Google Fonts with system fonts (Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Helvetica, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana).
When you're sure no more Google Font is used anywhere on your site, please proceed with the following instructions:
1. Login your hosting control panel, find phpMyAdmin, login this area.
2. Choose the database used by the site you're going to eliminate Google Fonts requests from.
3. Click this database to select it.
4. Check the tables in this database. They should have the following names:
Please pay attention whether these names are written this way. In case there's some symbols before these names (for example, 'moto_content_blocks', 'moto_content_taxonomies', 'moto_content_taxonomy_relations', 'moto_fonts') - these symbols are database table prefix and you should note it and copy somewhere (for example, to Notepad).
5. Go go the SQL tab under phpMyAdmin
6. Paste the following line to the SQL query field:
delete from `paste_name_of_fonts_table` where `provider`="google";
where paste_name_of_fonts_table is the name of your fonts table.
In case there's no database prefix (there's a database table with the name fonts), your query should look like:
delete from `fonts` where `provider`="google";
In case the database tables include any prefix (like 'moto_' in my case shown at the screenshots), the query should be:
delete from `moto_fonts` where `provider`="google";
7. Execute the query by clicking the Go button
8. Login your MotoCMS Control Panel, go to the Settings > General tab and click Save button.
After this action all requests to Google fonts will be removed from your site source code until the next theme update!
Please note that all widgets that use Google Fonts at the moment of execution of this SQL query will be corrupted!