You can make your site easier to navigate! This section lets you assign blog posts to categories improving user experience, as well as SEO.
You can add new categories with the help of "Add" button.
"Properties" tab contains the following features: "Category Name", "Category URL", "Short Description", "Long Description".
"Category Name" - this field allows you to edit the title of your category.
"Category URL" - this field allows you to edit the URL of your category.
"Short Description" and "Long Description" - this field allows you to add/edit description for the specific category, which is visible on the category's page directly.
"SEO Settings" - this tab allows you to edit SEO features of your category, including Meta Title, Meta Description, Canonical URL, set No-index, No-follow or Hide Canonical features.
"Meta Title" - this is the name of your page displayed in the browser tab and search engine results. Make sure to use unique titles for each of your website pages. Place your target keywords (1-2) at the very beginning of the title and your brand name (if needed) at the end. It will help you boost the page ranking. It is also recommended to keep titles 50-60 characters long.
"Meta Description" - this feature is a block of text displayed in search results under the page title and URL. It describes what the page is about and can help you attract more visitors from the organic search. Make sure to use unique meta descriptions for each of your website pages. It is necessary to include a call to action and target keywords in the descriptions. Bolded keywords and CTA will attract users to your website page. It is recommended to keep the descriptions under 160 characters long.
"Open Graph Metatag" - this tab allows you to to improve the content you share on your social profiles. Open Graph meta tags are snippets of text that communicate a page's content with social media (such as Facebook and Twitter).
"Title" - this feature allows you to set the title of the shared post.
"URL" - this feature allows you to set an URL of your shared post.
"Description" - this feature allows you to type the description of the shared post.
"Image" - this feature allows you to set an image for the post, which will appear on the social page once you share the post.
"Counter Posts" - this feature shows the information on the number of blog posts which correspond to each category.