The blog is a powerful tool to promote your business. You can create blog posts by yourself with ease by following this article. Also, you can have our copywriters create useful, popular, keyword-rich and SEO-friendly text for a blog post by purchasing our Blog Article Writing service by following this link.
Each post has the following features: "Name" (post title), "URL", "Author" (your profile name), "Created On" and "Actions" (editing feature).
To create a new post you need to press the "Add" button.
Specify your post title within the Post Name section and it will automatically fill "Post URL" field (you can change it manually if necessary).
"Actions" field allows you to edit/duplicate/remove the post.
"Name" field contains your post title and status ("Published" or "Draft"). To enter post structure you need to click on the post title.
"Post Name" and "Post URL" can be edited separately after you enter post structure area.
You can edit short description for the post using the "Edit Short Description" button.
Once you click on the button, you will see a pop-up with CKEditor tools, where you can specify description and modify it's text style, size etc.
Once you apply and save the changes, you will be able to preview description on the live site, using the "View Page" button.
You can place any content (widgets) from the Widgets tab within the "Content" section of your Post page.
"Allow Comments" feature allows you to enable/disable commentary field under the post.
"Category" feature allows you to link post to the specific category.
"Tags" feature allows you to use various tags for the selected post.
"Image" feature allows you to select/edit/remove the image for the post.
"Preview Image" block allows you to add image into your post, which can be seen on both Main Page and on the post page directly and edit it's SEO features, such as "Title" and "Alt Text".
You can change/remove "Preview Image", using "Edit"/"Remove" buttons.
"Title" - this feature allows you to set specific title for the image.
"Alt Text" - this feature allows users to see the alt text if their browser blocks possibility to preview images.
"Status" feature allows you to hide/publish your posts on the blog page. Status shares the same logic of work as the regular page's status. If you use "Draft" status - you can preview page/post within the site's Control Panel, however it won't be visible on the live site. If you use "Published" status - everybody can preview Main Page/post.
"Visibility" feature allows you to either make your post public or hide it with the help of password protected feature. You can use general password for all posts or use unique password for each post.
"Published On" feature allows you to change the published date of the post, allowing you to change the order of the post in the history (from most actual to the oldest post).
"SEO Settings" block includes "Meta Title", "Meta Description", "No-Index", "No-follow" and "Hide Canonical" options.
"Meta Title" - this title will appear in the browser's tab.
"Meta Description" - field must contain short information about your page, so it would be easier to find this post in search results.
"No-Index" - if enabled, this feature won’t allow search engine to index post.
"No-Follow" - if enabled, this feature won’t allow search engine to index post, however all external URL’s from the following post page would be active.
If both options were enabled - search engine won’t index post and external URL’s from the post page would be disabled.
"Hide Canonical" - if enabled, attribute rel="canonical" will be removed from the current post.
"Canonical URL" - allows you to point current page to alternative page using rel="canonical".
"Code Injection" block allows you to input custom code into the header/footer of your post.