
MotoCMS 3

MotoCMS eCommerce

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MotoCMS Ecommerce Updates


MotoCMS Control Panel, Themes, eCommerce plugin (Store) receive updates regularly. Our developer team works on new features and extension and are constantly improving the products.

We really appreciate our customers' feedback and every client's request is analyzed by our developer team to make sure update gets only useful features that our clients asked for. So be sure, the new update you will get exactly what you request. MotoCMS Update subscription can bring new widgets, buttons, ecommerce plugin updates, new actions related to the editing process, improved compatibility, usability and other improvements.

Of course, the new updates, fix bugs and problems with cross-browser compatibility, proper display, mobile and local versions, etc.

Our Release Notes page includes a description of improvements implemented in the recent updates of MotoCMS Control Panel, eCommerce plugin and other products.

Those MotoCMS clients who have bought their templates before the 8th of April 2017 inclusive received a lifetime free updates for MotoCMS 3 and MotoCMS Ecommerce.

All MotoCMS clients who have ordered MotoCMS 3 or MotoCMS 3 Ecommerce products starting from the 9th of April, receive a free 1 year update subscription.

MotoCMS update subscription costs $69 per year for one account regardless of the number of products purchased with this account. In the other words, in case you own many MotoCMS templates and they were purchased using the same email address, getting upgrade subscription will allow you to update all products in your account.

Approximate price is $5.75 per update (for all of your licenses!) - fair enough to receive really useful features, isn't it?

Why we made updates paid? Each feature and improvement of our products, each update requires additional costs to investigate, develop, test and deliver.

In order to learn about the update subscription availability for your current products, buy or cancel, manage the update subscription, please visit My Purchases and Update Subscription sections you can find your MotoCMS account.

As for purchasing update subscription, please use this direct link.
Important! Please make sure you're using the same email for purchasing update subscription as the email mentioned in your your MotoCMS account.

In case you purchased Update subscription, but your control panel doesn't allow you to update, please contact our support team by this link.

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