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Store Checkout Settings

Store Checkout Settings submenu item allows you to hide unnecessary checkout form fields. See screenshot.

You will be able to find this form on the STEP 2: Billing/Shipping Details at the checkout process.
Also you can change the appearance of checkout form under the Design settings submenu

Store Checkout Settings - Terms & Conditions

You can add a checkbox to cart page for "Terms & Conditions" agreements (GDPR, Age restrictions, etc.) that hides "Checkout" button if it is not checked. To do so please navigate to Store - Settings - Checkout - Enable terms checkbox and click save.

You can also specify Terms checkbox position on your website. There are 3 positions to choose from: Shopping CartCheckout 2Checkout 3.

When the checkbox is enabled you can add links and specify text styles for the "Terms & Conditions" checkbox text.


Once the visitor checks Terms & Conditions, they will be able to proceed to "Checkout".

Store Checkout Settings - Show Delivery Time

"Show Delivery Time" feature allows the visitors to select date and time for their product delivery on the checkout.

Once enabled, you also need to specify the "Delivery Time Interval". This feature allows the visitor to select a working hour within a minute interval. 30 minutes is the maximum. Also 5,10,15,20,25 intervals are available.

As an example, it will look something like this on the checkout:

Store Checkout Settings - Customized Checkboxes

"Use Customized Checkboxes" feature allows enabling custom color for your checkbox agreement. Once clicked, select "Checkboxes Color" to change the color for Terms & Conditions agreement.

Store Checkout Settings - Disable Guest Checkout

"Disable Guest Checkout" feature removes the checkout as a guest. As a result your visitors can checkout via their store account only.

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