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White Label

This guide will help you to use White Label feature with your MotoCMS 3 Templates. In the other words, you can replace all links to MotoCMS website, knowledge base, support portal, MotoCMS logo and backgrounds with your company information. It can be helpful for resellers who do not want to show MotoCMS branding in clients' sites admin panels.
Please note that White Label License doesn't let you re-use the same template for another website - it case you need to use the same template for another website, please purchase the same template again!

In order to use White Label feature (to be able to replace MotoCMS information in your clients' admin panel with your company information) you should purchase a White Label license for this certain admin panel by following this link.
Please note that this service does not work with any products other than MotoCMS 3 (so MotoCMS HTML, MotoCMS Flash and Moto4 are incompatible with white label solution).

!Important! White Label can be applied to Lifetime License of Full-featured MotoCMS 3 templates. Monthly/yearly subscription plans of our templates, Landing Page templates and Simple Builder licenses (sold on some partners sites) cannot be used with White Label. 
Please follow these steps in order to start using White Label in your clients' templates.

1. Purchasing additional White Label licenses
2. Managing a brand
3. Editing company links
4. Replacing logos
5. Choosing colors
6. Enabling/disabling control panel features
7. Enabling/disabling extended features
8. Demo Settings

Purchasing additional White Label licenses

A White Label license lets you rebrand one Control panel. In the other words, you can replace MotoCMS brand information with your own company information for only one website's admin panel by using one White Label license.

You can purchase a White Label license in 2 ways:

1) You can purchase one license with your template by adding White Label offer to your purchase on our website

2) You can purchase multiple licenses in your Accounts page. In order to do so you will need to open "White label" tab and click on "Purchase" button.

Please specify amount of licenses you would like to buy in a popup window that will appear. Then simply use "Buy Now" button to proceed to checkout.

Managing a brand

1) Please create a new brand that will be used with your templates. In order to create a new brand, you need to Log in to your MotoCMS account at our Accounts page.

2) Once you are in your account, you will need to click on the "White label" tab. This action will open a page where you will need to fill in all settings. Here is the list of settings you will need to set up:

Create new brand - this drop down field allows you to switch between creating a new brand or modify existing one. Upon choosing the needed option from the dropdown field, you'll start editing the chosen existing brand or creating a new brand by inserting its values to the tabs below. These tabs' values are related to the chosen brand and do not affect the other brands in your account.

3) Once you are done with all the settings (each setting is described below), please click on save button to apply changes.

4) On My Purchases page please find the product you want to rebrand and select the brand you want to apply to this product. Then click on "Rebrand" button.

This action will remove 1 of your re-branding licenses. You may remove branding using "Unbrand" button.

IMPORTANT! Once you unbrand the template, you do not get White Label license back, it will vanish.


Links and Titles

All fields of this tab should be filled in, it is necessary.
Business Name - the name of your business that will appear in your client's website Control panel. It will replace all "MotoCMS" text in your control panel. Choose a name for your business. It can be a word or word combination that will determine a name of your Brand.
Control Panel Title - this title will appear in each rebranded Control Panel as web browser tab name.
Dashboard Text - the text your client will see at the Control panel Dashboard tab which is opened first upon logging into client's website admin panel. Please note that this text is not shown when Custom Dashboard is enabled at the Extended Features tab.
Activation URL - here you should specify a link to your support portal. In case someone will face an activation error they will have an option to open the link that is specified in this field.
Network Error URL - here you should specify a link to your support portal. Your visitors will be able to use this link if changes in some settings on your server cause your template to stop working properly.
Terms of Use URL - you may enter a URL to your Terms of Use page. In case you do not have one, just refer your clients to your support page.
Submit a Ticket URL - this URL should take your clients to a Contact Form or Ticket System where they contact you regarding the problems they might face.
Privacy Policy URL - this URL should take your clients to your Privacy Policy page. You can enter the link to your support desk or Contact form.

Don't forget to save the edits you've done to the brand so far!




Favicon - favicon is a small image that appears in your browser tab when you visit someone's website, in our case it's an icon shown in web browser tab when your client opens his website admin panel. It can be also found next to the page name in a list of bookmarks (if your client bookmarks a link to his website admin panel).
Loader - please add an animated GIF file that will be played every time when a loading process occurs in Control panel.
Large Logo - will appear on your client's website Control panel login page and Dashboard (until replaced with Custom Dashboard at the Extended Features tab). Recommended size for this image is 390x130 pixels.
Medium Logo - will appear on update pages of your client's Control panel. Recommended size for this image is 225x75 pixels.
Small Logo - will appear in the top left corner of your client's Control panel. Recommended size for this image is 160x50 pixels.




Background Color - this setting allows you to set the color and transparency for the Loader background when you or your client switches between sections (tabs) of website Control panel.
Progress Bar Color - the color of the line that will run on top of website Control panel to show the progress of current process.
Progress Bar Height - allows you to specify the height for your Progress Bar in pixels. You can choose from 1 pixel and up to 15 pixels.
Dashboard Background Color - the background color of your client's website Control panel Dashboard page (until replaced with a Dashboard Background Image at the Colors tab below or a Custom Dashboard at the Extended Features tab).
Dashboard Background Image - the background image of your client's website Control panel Dashboard page (until replaced with Custom Dashboard at the Extended Features tab). This image will be tiled so please use borderless image.
Dashboard Text Color - the color of the Dashboard Text you fill in at the Links and Titles tab.
Dashboard's Buttons Color - the dashboard's buttons background color (until replaced with Custom Dashboard at the Extended Features tab).
Dashboard's Buttons Text Color - the dashboard's buttons label color (until replaced with Custom Dashboard at the Extended Features tab).

Don't forget to save the edits you've done to the brand so far!


Enabled Features


This tab allows you to disable some features and widgets in the client's Control panel associated with this brand.

Don't forget to save the edits you've done to the brand so far!

Template Info

Quick Help - enabling this feature shows the corresponding link in the top right corner of clients Control panel. Clicking this icon shows a small popup letting your client get help when the Quick Help checkbox is checked. The Quick Help icon leads the customer by the link you specify in the Quick Help URL field.
Quick Help URL - should begin with the http or https protocol and end with '/'. It should not contain hash (#) or GET parameters and IP address, but only a domain name. For example
Quick Help Automatic Show-Up - enabling this feature shows Quick Help when a Control Panel tab is first opened by a client.
Help Center - enabling this feature shows a Question Mark leading to your knowledge base and/or support desk, where your client can get assistance with the questions he has. The link is specified in the field below and should begin with the http or https protocol and end with '/'. It should not contain hash (#) or GET parameters and IP address, but only a domain name. For example
Feedback - enabling this setting adds a Feedback Form button on top of the Admin Panel to receive any recommendations from your clients. You will be able to specify an email where this message will be sent in the text field which appears once you enable this setting.
Theme Information - Information about the theme used on this website is displayed under the Settings - Update tab of the Control Panel. You may disable this setting in order to hide theme's thumbnail and title.

Gallery Widgets

These fields let you enable or disable different galleries in client's Control Panel. It won't remove the galleries that have already been added to the website pages.

Social Widgets

These fields allow you to enable or disable the social widgets shown in client's Control Panel. Disabling these checkboxes won't remove the widgets from page content.

Media Widgets

Different players can be either enabled or disabled for the client's Control panel assigned to this brand.

Integration Widgets

Appointment scheduling, reservation and booking widgets can be enabled or disabled here. Disabling them here won't remove them from page content.

Other Widgets

The following widgets can be enabled or disabled here: Contact Form, Google Map, Google Map Pro, MailChimp, Disqus, Countdown Timer, Accordion, Tabs, Popup, Progress Bar, SlideShare, PayPal Button, Iframe, Embed, Breadcrumbs, Google Calendar, Google Search, Scroll Toc, Tag List (for blog), Circular Progress Bar, Advanced Image.

Don't forget to save the edits you've done to the brand so far!


Extended Features


The following features can be hidden from the client's Control Panel if needed:

Uploading Stoсk Images - this button is located in Media Library and provides a possibility to upload stock photos from Unsplash. You can hide this feature by disabling it.
Blocks Tab - is located on the left hand of the admin panel when editing a page. It allows you to edit the content in MotoCMS 3 Premium and landing page templates by drag-and-drop the whole block with a default set of widgets for each block.
Chat Service - you can restrict your client adding LiveChat integration to his website via Control Panel > Settings > Feedback section.
Feedback - you can hide an opportunity to enable/disable a sticky feedback button showing a tiny feedback popup at all customer's website pages.
Blog - this checkbox lets you hide the Blog tab in your client's Control panel.
Backups - enabling or disabling this checkbox manages the backup feature under the Tools section.
CSS class in Row - this is a feature for developers that allows assigning custom CSS classes to certain row widgets, and then creating custom CSS styles for these rows in Code Injection sections of a page or in the Settings tab > Code Injection for such rows on all website pages.
Disable Theme Updates - your client won't see offers to update his theme. Theme updates add new blocks and improvements to your template design.
Disable Control Panel Updates - Control panel updates add new features and widgets to your client's website editor, while disabling updates won't let the client see an offer to update his website Control panel.
Enable "Services" - if you check this checkbox, you need to paste the link to your custom page with the services you provide. All services from this page should open in a separate tab to avoid compatibility issues. The link should begin with the http or https protocol and end with '/'. It should not contain hash (#) or GET parameters and IP address, but only a domain name. For example
Add Livechat to control panel - lets you show LiveChat icon in your client's Control panel, so the client can click this button to launch a LiveChat session with you to get assistance on editing his website directly from his admin panel. To start working with LiveChat system you need to connect your current account or create new and insert the License Number to the corresponding field.
Custom Dashboard - you can create any HTML page on any website and embed this page on your client's Control Panel Dashboard by enabling this checkbox and inserting your webpage URL. The link is specified in the field below and should begin with the http or https protocol and end with '/'. It should not contain hash (#) or GET parameters and IP address, but only a domain name. For example
Force Dashboard - allows to show custom dashboard in landing page templates Control panel (while the Dashboard tab is disabled in landing templates Control panel by default).
Enable blocks & pages download - Content Store button will be shown at the top of the client's Control panel. This button lets your client download blocks from Content Store. You can choose what kinds of blocks are available for download by your client - blocks created by MotoCMS, your own blocks or both. In case you need to have your own blocks added to your account so your customers would see only your blocks, please contact our support team, we'll assist you with it.

Don't forget to save the edits you've done to the brand so far!


Demo Settings

All settings in this tab will affect only your White label demo settings and will not affect purchased templates.
You do not need to purchase White Label licenses to apply your brand to the demos you provide your clients. In order to get White Label Demo you should get a reseller plan by this link or by contacting our support representatives.
So below are the settings for the White Label Demo Registration page and White Label Demo Control panel.
Registration Page is the page you're sending your client a link to, this is the page where your client inserts his information to register the demo. Each field can be set to be required to proceed.

Registration Page Background

Colors - click the color code field to open color picker popup and choose the needed colors of the registration page background and text.
Color 1 is the color of gradient background left side, Color 2 is the color of gradient background right side.
Text Color is set for the "Register Your Free Demo Version" wording and the Request Demonstration Placeholder as per the screenshots below and the text on the confirmation page once the Registration Form is submitted ("thank you" page).

Control Panel Additions

Request Phone Popup - you can ask client's phone number once he enters his Demo Control panel for the first time (as soon as demo is activated).
Custom expired demo text - type the text which will be shown to your client in his Demo Control panel once it is expired. You can add your website link there, just first don't forget to choose the piece of text you want to hyperlink. The link to be specified in web browser context popup and should begin with the http or https protocol and end with '/'. It should not contain hash (#) or GET parameters and IP address, but only a domain name. For example

Registration Form

Information from this form is added to your MotoCMS account > White Label Demo section > Demo List, the Actions column. In order to preview this information, please click the "i" (information) symbol next to the needed client's demo record:

You are offered to enable the following fields to be filled in by your client while registering his Demo Control panel:
Request Name
Request Email
Request Phone
Request Landline
Request Organization
Any of these fields can be set to required to submit a request. You can also change each field placeholder (label) upon enabling the field.
Request Demonstration - adds a checkbox to the Registration Form which your client can check if he wants to arrange a demonstration appointment with you.
Send information to CRM - lets all information filled in the Registration Form by your client be added to this client's record in InfusionSoft as a Note for a Contact.
Please note! The "Send information to CRM" feature works only after creating and saving your brand. So the brand should be already existing in order to start using this feature, please create a brand, edit it, save it, then enable the "Send information to CRM" feature by filling in the fields below:
1) choose the CRM - Infusionsoft from the dropdown menu;
2) insert the App API Key. In order to prevent breaking the workflow of your other integrated forms, you need to create a new API app solely for the this form submission. You can create an app by this link. This is also the place where you'll be able to get the keys after creating the app.
3) insert the App API Secret you receive from Infusionsoft Development area (keap Developer Program) after registering an app.

Assign tags (comma separated) is the field which adds the specified Tags to this client's Contact record.
Warning! Every white label brand should have its own keap API! The use of the same keap API on a new brand will disconnect this API from the previous white label brands.
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