
MotoCMS 3

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Can I use MotoCMS 3 template on local server?

Yes, you can definitely use it on the local server, which supports the minimum template’s requirements:

  • PHP 7.0.0+, 7.1.3-7.1.x, 7.2.0+, 7.3.0+ or 7.4.0+
  • MySQL 5.1 database support with utf8mb4 encoding
  • with ‘openssl’ extension enabled on the server

If you decide to use a server provided by a hosting provider, we recommend to get hosting with our other partner HostPapa. This is a top-rated hosting where prices start from $3.95 per month.


Once you're ready to publish your website and make it available by an easy-to-remember address (domain) you may need to purchase a domain. You can do this with HostPapa or any other domain registrar.

You'll be able to point the purchased domain to your server anytime!

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