Common features are available for most part of the widgets within the Control Panel. The following features are presented in the list: Spacing, Alignment, Visible On, Link To, Background, Anchor, Animation, Preset Name.
1. "Spacing" - this feature allows you to generate space around content (increase/decrease internal indent between the widget and border from 4 sides: left, right, top, bottom). This editing can be made through 4 drop-down lists, which contain the following sizes: "Auto", "0", "Small", "Medium", "Large". "Auto" size is used by default.
You can choose one of the available spacing features by clicking on it's title and choosing the necessary option from the list: "Auto", "0", "Small", "Medium", "Large".
2. "Alignment" - this feature re-aligns your widget's position, depending on the alignment side: left, middle or right. You can also re-align any object for each device if combined with "Devices" feature.
3. "Visible On" - this feature allows you to hide/show widget with "Visible On" feature for any device (e.x. hide it on Desktop version and show it on mobile version). The yellow line indicates the active device and the greyed icon indicates the disabled device.
4. "Link To" - this feature enables a click action option for your widget. There are several alternative options: "None", "Go to Page", "Go to Blog", "Go to Post", "Go to Store", "Go to Category", "Go to Product", "Open URL", "Mail To", "Open in Lightbox", "Open File".
"None" - action option is disabled.
"Go Home" - this feature allows you to enter the Home page of your site. In store templates you can either use regular home page or enable Store as a home page of your site within the Store - Settings - General tab.
"Go to Page" - this feature allows you to open a required site’s page. You can choose any page from the list of created pages.
"Open Popup" - this feature allows you to open a popup.
"Go to Blog" - this feature allows you to enter the main Blog page of your site.
"Go to Post" - this feature allows you to open the required post of your Blog section.
"Go to Store" - this feature allows you to enter the store page of your site (if Store plugin is available).
"Go to Category" - this feature allows you to enter the required category page of your Store (if Store plugin is available).
"Go to Product" - this feature allows you to enter the required product page of your Store (if Store plugin is available).
"Open URL" - this feature allows you to open external URL. You can type the necessary URL in the second field.
"Mail To" - this feature opens a form field, where you can specify e-mail account and receive e-mails.
"Call To" - this feature allows you to make a call to the selected number.
"Open in Lightbox" - this feature allows you to open an image file from your Media Library and preview it in full size.
"Open File" - this feature allows you to open a file from the Media Library. You can enable "Force Download" feature for the "Open File" option.
You can also enable "Force Download" feature for the "Open File" option - in such case the file will be downloaded without preview. Internet Explorer does not support this function. You need to specify the file title with its extension (for example test.pdf) within the "File Name" field.
5. "Background" - this feature allows you to edit color/alternative sticky color/background image within the widget.
"Color" - this feature allows you to change the background color of your widget.
There are presented 25 preset colors and 5 additional (independent) colors. If you wish to set a color which is not available in the color palette - please click "More Colors" link and choose the necessary color.
Within the color picker section you can choose any color. "Current" field shows your current color, while "New" field shows color, which will change your current color. In order to save results please click "Ok" button. If you wish to abandon changes - please click "Cancel" button.
"Image" - this feature allows you to add/remove background image of your widget.
If the Background Image wasn’t set yet - please click + button, so you will be redirected to the site’s Media Library.
Please choose the necessary image from the list of images within the popup area and click "Apply" button.
Your "Background Image" section will change its appearance - Edit/Remove buttons will appear on the right side of the section, which allow you to choose an alternative image in the Media Library or remove "Background Image". Also, you will be able to use additional features: "Size", "Position", "Tile", "Fixed", "Parallax".
"Image Size" - this feature appears, when you create Background Image for your site. It has 3 different options: "Original" (default), "Cover" and "Contain".
"Original size" option displays default (original) image with its default size.
"Cover size" option stretches the image on the entire screen, preserving the original proportions.
"Contain size" option stretches the image’s height in reference to the lowest parameter (height or width), preserving the original proportions.
"Position" - this feature relocates the image’s position according to the chosen arrow button (Left Top arrow button is used by default).
"Image Tile" - this feature allows you to repeat your background images within the "Container" widget.
"Don’t Repeat" feature is used by default and allows you to preview a background image without repeating itself within the "Container" widget's area.
"Repeat" feature allows you to reflect the background image on the page in various proportions.
"Repeat X" feature allows you to reflect the background image in reference to the area’s width.
"Repeat Y" feature allows you to reflect the background image in reference to the area’s height.
"Fixed" - this feature is enabled by default. It allows you to use fixed position for your background image. If "Fixed" feature is disabled, then the background image will move simultaneously with content.
"Parallax" - this feature allows you to enable parallax effect for the background image of your widget. If Parallax feature is enabled, fixed background feature will be disabled and vice versa. You can see the effect of parallax only in preview mode.
6. "Anchor" - this feature allows you to set the anchor in any part of the page and enter this section immediately after you use a redirect option with the anchor feature enabled.
7. "Animation" - this block allows you to set custom animation type effects for your widget's first appearance. Animation effects can be seen during the "Preview" mode on the live site and within the visible area in Control Panel.
8. "Preset Name" - this feature allows you to choose visual appearance of the widget and edit it's preset features via "Design" section. Each theme has the various number of unique presets. Each widget has different amount of presets.
9. "Adjust to Fit the Screen Height" - this feature allows you to set the widget's height according to the height of the screen, which is used while previewing the site. In addition, you can configure the content's vertical alignment in the section.