"Anchor" feature allows you to redirect site's visitor to the specific place on the page after he clicked on the redirect object.
You can use "Anchor" feature in two ways: 1) through main menu/submenu items in the "Menu" widget; 2) through objects with implemented redirect features (such as "Text", "Image", "Button").
If you wish to use "Menu" widget for "Anchor" purposes - please use the following steps:
1) Choose your "Menu" widget and press "Edit" button;
2) Find necessary menu item/submenu item and press "Edit" button (pencil icon);
3) Choose "Go to Page" feature, then choose necessary page from the list of available pages and specify unique anchor ID within the "Enter Anchor" field (it can contain both numbers and letters);
4) Now you need to choose "Row"/"Container" widget on the page and specify same unique anchor ID from your menu item. Your menu item will bring you to this specific place on the page.
If you wish to enable "Anchor" feature for the "Text" widget - please highlight text and press "Link" button within the "CKEditor".
Specify unique anchor ID within the "Enter Anchor" field and press "OK" button to apply the changes. Same ID must be specified within the "Anchor" field of your "Row"/"Container" widget. You need to click on the text link and it will redirect you to the mentioned "Row"/Container" widget's area on the page.
If you wish to enable "Anchor" feature for the "Image" widget - you need to choose "Image" widget on the page, enter "Settings" tab on the right side and specify unique anchor ID within the "Enter Anchor" field. Same ID must be specified within the "Anchor" field of your "Row"/"Container" widget. You need to click on the Image and it will redirect you to the mentioned "Row"/Container" widget's area on the page.
If you wish to enable "Anchor" feature for the "Button" widget - you need to choose "Button" widget on the page, enter "Settings" tab on the right side and specify unique anchor ID within the "Enter Anchor" field. Same ID must be specified within the "Anchor" field of your "Row"/"Container" widget. You need to press the button and it will redirect you to the mentioned "Row"/Container" widget's area on the page.