Store Product Brands submenu item allows you to create brands for your shop, with a name, description and image assigned to each.
Store Product Brands - Creating Brands
To start adding brands go to Store > Products > Brands. allows you to create and edit your brand's title, URL, brand image and description. You can add a new brand with the help of the "Add New" button.
You can set custom "Title", "URL", "Image" and "Description" for each brand.
The listed brands can be edited by clicking the "pencil" icon on the right side.
Store Product Brands - Assigning Brands
Go to Store > Products > Catalog and select a product to assign a brand. Find the Brands box on the left side. Select from the drop-dawn list a brand you wish to assign to the product.
Store Product Brands - Import Brand Information From CSV
The product import/export feature built into MotoCMS eStore templates allows you to import brand information from a CSV file. You’ll need to add a column with the heading brand
to the CSV file with the brand names in that column so that the brand information is tied to your products.